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Money may not actually rule the world, but there's no denying it's pretty useful to have.
You’ll need some to fulfil many of your dreams for the future, from buying your own car to going to uni or travelling the globe.
Unfortunately, though, all’s not fair in the world of money, and as a girl you face some pretty major hurdles when it comes to earning it, managing it and having enough to live out your life in style.
Unlike royalty, most of us aren’t born into money but with some knowledge there’s nothing stopping you from becoming a
Money Queen.
Because KNOWLEDGE is power.

Yasss Queens.
Sound like a vibe?
Read about my journey from broke to boujee.
I’m a Finfluencer - follow me on socials for money info and inspo.
Look out for my book, which is available in-stores and online now!

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